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Precision Indexing Conveyor

Our new LFA precision indexing conveyor is equipped with two drives, highly dynamic movements can be implemented with the highest precision at the same time. The double drive ensures very short switching times even under higher loads. By halving the forces in the system, a long service life is guaranteed.

Precision indexing conveyors are a special type of conveyor that are precisely and carefully manufactured for the purpose of doing a manufacturing process.

Unlike traditional conveyors used for feeding parts, or general locating, precision link conveyors are designed for manufacturing to be done directly on them. This requires high accuracy. Motion Index Drives conveyors deliver very high accuracies of +/- 0.04 mm at the drive end and +/- 0.07 mm at the opposite end, regardless of length. This accuracy is held in all directions and is achieved by the hardened guideways that run along each side of the precision indexing conveyor system.

Guaranteed accuracy:

Motion Index Drives’ precision indexing conveyor has links made of very high grade aluminum, the conveyors inertia is 1/3 that of precision link conveyors made of steel. This allows for very high speed of indexing, but also allows for small drive units, leaving the machine efficient. Our precision link conveyors are clean and no maintenance. All mechanical components in oil are sealed as a standard.

Our LFA precision indexing conveyor systems have much higher load capacities compared to other manufacturers of similar systems. This is due to our lightweight aluminum links that are manufactured from aircraft grade aluminum. The light weight aluminum links gives the customer the ability to index at higher speeds.

The standard LFA precision link conveyors have a unique profile at the opposite end of the drive system to allow for much higher indexing speeds without increasing vibrations in the system. This special profile allows for the cam followers on each link to be in contact with the cam plate at all times as they rotate around, which allows for a very smooth operation.

Our LFA precision link conveyors have been implemented into automated lines in a variety of industries, including medical device manufacturing, household product manufacturing, lawn equipment manufacturing, pad-printing applications, razor manufacturing, ball point pen assembly, solar wafer manufacturing, battery manufacturing, ammunition production, electronics assemblies and several others.

To learn more about linear transfer systems applications and selection, visit our Guide to Precision Link Indexing Conveyors and Linear Transfer Systems.


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