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Guide To Weld Positioners

About Welding Positioners

Weld Positioners are used by welders, welding shops and production facilities to position and move weldments in order to:

Since weld positioners are most often oriented with the axis horizontal, or able to be swung to horizontal, the center of gravity of the part will be overhung from a fixture that holds it. Given enough mass and a long enough part, a tailstock trunnion or set of rollers may need to be added to support the weldment at the other end from the positioner in order to safely support the part. It’s important to note that the center of gravity and lever arm (design torque) can change as parts are welded on to make an assembly so you want to work with an experienced company to make sure that your complete application is taken into account.
Weld positioners may hold the weldment with a special fixture may be made in order to ease mounting and aligning parts and create a safe and reliable welding setup. Chuck tightness or fixtures are set or designed to allow for the thermal expansion that happens as the welding process is performed. The weight of the fixtures has to be taken into account when sizing a welding positioner both for weight and torque from overhang but also from inertia in order to be sure that the system will both perform efficiently and meet the intended design life.

Welding Positioner Automation

Manual Weld Positioners

Weld positioners may be used manually and will be operated usually by a foot pedal to advance the weldment in the right direction at the right speed.

Semi-automatic Weld Positioners

For semi-automatic welding, a welding positioner can be combined with additional equipment to improve productivity and yield. By combining a positioner with a torch stand, semi-automatic welding can be done with the positioner moving the part under a stationary torch. Stationary torches can be fitted with a device which oscillates the weld head to fill large weld fillets. This provides consistent speed and position to enable greater repeatability.

Automatic Weld Positioners

Automatic welding stations can be created with a weld positioner and robotics to efficiently produce larger quantities of weldments with high precision and repeatability. Automatic welding processes can be qualified and parts produced at large scale with the help of robotics.

Applications and Options for Weld Positioners

Types of Rotary Welding Positioners

Rotary Indexer Weld Positioners

solar and wind power weld positioner

Welding Positioner Supporting Methods

Multi-Axis Indexering Weld Positioners

dual trunnion

Weld Positioner Options will Often Include:

Things to Look for in Welding Positioners and Weld Positioner Manufacturers

Of course cost is a factor when selecting any type of automation equipment. Your weld positioner partner should be able to offer extremely high precision, low backlash and zero backlash options at a competitive cost. It’s often advantageous to be able to purchase complete trunnion solutions that might include a heavy duty base frame, riser bases and fixed or custom lengths.
The best headstock tailstock trunnion weld positioner sets utilize a high precision zero back-lash cam operated rotary index table mounted in a vertical position complete with mounting plates. Moving large masses with smaller units maximizes the productivity from your available footprint and also saves cost upfront. Machines should be painted to meet industry standards including specialty paints for corrosive applications if required and completely sealed machine surfaces to eliminate intrusions.
Weld Positioners should have large through holes to run utilities to the tooling and fixtures, easy access to pipe and wire all components and standard models available to quickly initiate the design process.
Weld positioners can have custom controls and pre-programmed panels to create a more flexible automation system and can be paired with robotics to accelerate productivity. You should have a choice of robot manufacturers for your project. Systems integrators that have freedom to choose the robotics manufacturer can adapt to their customers requirements, minimizing design costs from project to project.

Be Sure that Your Weld Positioner Manufacturer:

The best weld positioner manufacturers offer features that extend machinery life and reduce operating and maintenance costs. Examples are:

HeadStock TailStock Weld Positioning Systems

Components Features and Options

Standard dual headstock tailstock trunnion positioners utilize a high precision (less than 1 arc second) planetary gear system mounted in a vertical position complete with mounting plates. Headstock Tailstock Trunnion Sets are ideal for moving large masses with smaller units and minimizing your equipment’s footprint on the floor. All trunnion units can be ordered with standard or custom frames fully equipped with head and tailstock supports and one-piece base weldments.

Get the Guide

Your Guide to Improving Part Quality with Multi-Axis Welding Positioners.

Welding serves as an integral manufacturing function for automotive, aerospace, oil and gas, machinery, marine, solar and wind, and construction parts. Because the welded connection encounters load and stress over time, if the weld is poorly executed, it will not meet application demands and will ultimately fail.Failure of welded parts can lead to lawsuits and the loss of customers. Therefore, manufacturers must produce consistent high-quality welds to remain in business. But, what contributes to a good weld? This is your guide to how to improve part quality with welding positioners.

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