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Precision Conveyors

Rotary Indexing tables are the perfect solution for precision assemblies, however when the product has multiple components, a rotary indexing table can become cumbersome. When components multiply so does the size of the table, more often than not, taking up too much real estate.

At Motion Index Drives we pride ourselves on innovative solutions. To solve the issues of limited space we manufacture a line of precision conveyors that produce the same speed and precision of a rotary table without taking up nearly as much real estate. The precision conveyors consists of precision-machined aluminum links which are driven by a high-performance unit consisting of an index drive, hardened bevel gear reducer and a brake motor. Hardened dual drive sprockets guarantee a backlash-free motion transmission between the drive unit and conveyor chain links, which translates to accuracies of up to (6 arcseconds ((+/- .006))

The precision link conveyor can be built in many different configurations, from over under which places the links parallel with the floor to a carousel style which places them perpendicular. However, if you need something a little more custom with you design we have all the capabilities of delivering exactly what you need. Depending on several factors such as size, speed and design of the system, the conveyor can index as fast as (250 cycles per minute and position the pallets with an accuracy of up to +/- .002 inch.


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