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Custom Engineered Robot Transfer Units

Robot Transfer Units are manufactured in floor mounted, elevated or inverted configuration. We offer the highest precision linear bearings, racks and pinions system, so you can manufacture the best product possible.

Robot Integrations with Rotary Indexers

Rotary indexers provide manufacturers with fast and highly repeatable positions for their robots. These systems are also capable of adding a variety of assembly and inspection processes through custom components to existing systems.

Benefits of Multi-Axis Weld Positioners

A welding positioner system that is designed for efficiency will be balanced to move heavy weights at surprising speeds, consistently producing high-quality products.

Tool Tray Linear Transfer System

This two serving three tool tray transfer system was designed for versatility in mind to allow our customer to extend the transfer system for future applications in the automotive industry. The customer will be able to choose between two different fixtures during the automation process.